Frances H. McClelland Genealogy Research Centre

Welcome to the online home of the Frances H. McClelland Genealogy Centre. Here you will find online resources to assist with your Celtic family history search, helpful tips, and general information about the services we offer. The Frances H. McClelland Genealogy Centre at the McClelland Library in Phoenix was founded with the purpose of helping people find their Irish roots and to inspire individuals to write their family history. We look forward to assisting you with your genealogical research.


Daily Use of Genealogy Centre

Members: Free

Non-Members: $5/day

Make an appointment at 602-864-2353 or

Regular Hours: September - Memorial Day:
Tues., Wed., Thur., Sat. 10AM - 3PM

Fri.  3PM - 8PM

Summer Hours: Memorial Day - Labor Day:
Thurs. 3PM - 8PM
Fri.      3PM - 8PM

Closed in August and Federal Holidays